Journal Entry 5

Date: 22.5.2023

Activity: Oh boy, where do I even begin?


First of all, the game is finished! Well, is a game truly ever really finished? There’s always something to add :D But since the deadline is here, I think it’s safe to say it’s finished (for now, at least). We pretty much managed to implement everything we wanted.

I’ve added a pause menu and modified the main menu a bit, so that’s the first point in my ToDo list from the last Journal Entry finished. 

Next were bugs and… let’s say me and Šimon managed to patch them up… at least most of them. There is one or two involving a sound effect but unfortunately we can’t figure out why it’s not working and to be honest, we’re too tired to do so. But all of the game-breaking bugs we came across during playtesting are gone, so that’s nice!

 I’ve added a finish - a flying orb to be precise. Only yesterday we agreed on the story behind the game (yes, we were working on a game for 4 weeks now and decided on one of the most important elements of a game a couple of hours before the deadline :D). But I feel like it fits nicely and we were kind of going there ever since we decided on the title (which surprisingly  wasn’t a couple of hours before the deadline) - recall as call back your spear and recall as remember something. Plus we didn’t have much time to add something big so a memory it was. Genius!

We also managed to put in an animation for climbing. I feel like it was really missing in our last build.

One huge update: music and sound effects. The music playing in the main menu as well as in the level are Šimon’s creation - all of the credit goes to him. I’ve looked for sound effects and added them to the scene. Looking for sounds took more time than I expected but it was definitely worth it. It brightened up the whole game. 

Another update: tutorial! The game really needed one as no one would know that they need to press K to recall the spear or press J to attack. So I drew some small button animations and put them in the beginning of the level where the player wakes up. 

Outcome:  Two exhausted students and one finished game

Invested hours: 20

Files 32 MB
May 22, 2023

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