Journal Entry 2

Date: 4.5.2023

Activity: Creating Unity project, making essential mechanics & discussing main themes, abilities


Last Thursday, Šimon and I had a meeting and talked about our ideas for the project. We've considered a lot of alternatives. We've talked about how the different levels would look like and that there could be a different theme in each one but then we realized that it'd be impossible to make in time for the deadline. In the end we decided that we wanted a fantasy/nature setting. Enemies would be something that comes from the nature (bees, larvae/butterflies...) or something more fantasy (slime, skeleton...). We've also thoroughly discussed the mechanics and most importantly how Player would retrieve the spear if they throw it away. We've thought about having the ability to pull back the spear from any place at a later stage but now we're also considering the option that it would be possible from the very beginning. We're not sure as of right now.

I've uploaded a concept of how the game would look like. Player can move with WASD and by pressing K Player can  obtain the spear. By pressing K once again, Player can throw the spear which sticks to the nearest wall. If Player has the spear in their possession, they can perform a melee attack by pressing J. There's of course also the ability to jump by pressing SPACE. During this week, Šimon was the main coder and I was taking care of the sprites and animations. 

Invested hours: ~ 12

Outcome: The most essential mechanics have been implemented, now we're going to focus on enemies and on the overall level/map.

Files 21 MB
May 04, 2023

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